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09/10/2017  Published for the 4th year in a row a short Documentary for the East End Seaport Museum, introducing the Grand Marshal of the Maritime Festival.
05/20/2015  Produced a short movie about our hiking trip in Patagonia and an expedition to Cape Horn.
11/12/2014   Published a one hour movie about collecting and documenting fresh water fish in the Amazon region (in German).
09/10/2014  Produced a 20 min Documentary for the East End Seaport Museum, honoring a local craftsman & artist for his many contributions to the community.
10/24/2013  Completed Music Video "Shake" by Jaguar Priest, performing live at
89 North, in Patchogue, N.Y. 
​05/21/2013  Finished a 30 min. video about a Robin's Nest with 4 chicks. Discovered them on the third day post hatching and recorded their development till first flight.
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